Friday, November 28, 2008

Enough is Enough !!

What should be Indian goverment's response ? I think Manmohan Singh have lot to answer for this. Shivraj Patil has to go and he should be sacked and not given opportunity to resign. He is the most incompetent Home minister.

But how should Indian people respond - They should maintain calm and stand united. The last thing we need at this time is communal riots. We need to stand together and show to terrorists that we will not let their designs succeed. However, I am not saying that Indians shouldn't take their elected leaders to task. We need ACTION. We need to demand ACTION. We need this government to tell us exactly what steps they have taken, what actions they are taking, what cost the perpetrators of this act are paying. We need to see this government in action. If they can not deliver, then they need to leave the office. Enough is Enough !!

Attack on India

I have been watching in absolute horror the events in Mumbai. News channel are describing this as an Attack on Mumbai but I would say its an attack on India. This is nothing less than a war. The war has been brought at our doorstep, right in our backyard. I can't believe the magnitude of this attack. While listening to various sources, its clear that these guys have been well trained in military tactics and must have gone thru full training at a military facility. This is nothing short than India's neighbor sending out their special operation forces to attack India.

Blogging Again

I have been thinking about starting to write my blog again. For the last few years I have been extremely busy at work and also at family front with a new addition to our family (my daughter who is a 2 year old now).

The events unfolding in India for the last few days forced me to think that I should start my blog again. At least, if nothing else, its a way to express my anger and take out my frustration that I can not do much while I sit here in US and watch events unfolding in front of tv in Mumbai.

Friday, December 31, 2004

First Post

This is my first post.

Today is New Year's evening. Me and my wife decided not to spend any money on new year party this year and instead donate all that money for Tsunami victim's rehab.

more later,